Click on the text box with the orange border; the timer starts as soon as you begin typing!
Click 'Reset' or press 'Shift-Return' to restart typing test.
Click the 'Text to Type' dropdown menu located directly below the typing test input box.
Click on the 'Link to Results' or 'Email Results' links on the test results panel to share your results.
Click the 'Switch-Up' button to toggle between multi-line and scrolling single-line entry.
Keep your hands on the keyboard - use keyboard shortcut "Shift-Return" to restart typing test.
Check your typing speed and accuracy as it is updated and displayed every second while you type.
Report can be personalized with your name and your results can be saved and shared easily using the link generated at the end of every test.
If you're going to type something, you might as well type something interesting and fun to type.
Current typing text options include random common English words, random easy words, books, book summaries short stories, fables, sight words for kids, random interesting and funny facts, random wise proverbs, and even the ability to type whatever you want with the custom text option.
Fables and random sight words are good choices for easy typing texts that work great for younger kids and beginners.
Custom text can be saved and shared easily using the custom URL generated when new custom text is loaded.
No more messing with the settings on your computer! Support for many popular keyboard layouts makes switching to your favorite as easy as selecting it from the keyboard layout dropdown menu.
The following keyboard layouts are supported:
Two different entry modes keep the experience fresh and help develop different speed typing skills.
At any point in time both entry modes provide, at a minimum, the next 2-3 words (21 characters to be precise) so you can always be looking ahead at the next words to type - a useful skill in learning to type faster.
Why should you always have to take a 1 minute typing test?
Speed Typing Online provides six different test round times: 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minute, 3 minute, 5 minute, and 10 minute typing tests.
Tired of having to frantically check back and forth between the text to type and what you're typing?
Both entry modes combine the two into one, so you are always looking at exactly what you are typing on screen as you do normally, making it easy to refine your natural typing skill.
Typing speed is calculated according to the most widely accepted method where a 'word' is assumed an average of 5 characters (spaces included) with every error (per minute) being a 1 WPM deduction. Nearly all other significant statistics are also reported, allowing for a more custom calculation as well.
All performance calculations are also clearly explained (simply mouse-hover over the labels) making it easy to understand your results.
"High Visibility" mode gives more significant color distinctions - great for those with color blindness or other vision impairments.
"No Color Highlighting" mode gives a more difficult and realistic experience.
For the best results try practicing proper typing techniques a little every day.
Remember to take breaks often though - its good for the body and for the learning.